reHOUSE is
a research platform for sustainable and ethical design. reHOUSE/bath is
a new section of this platform, focusing on the bathroom, thought as a
biotop where nature and mankind interact.
The objects
designed for this project: BATH, reNET, reVAP, reMAT, reSIZE.
BATH is a mobile bathing surface. To wash himself, the user has to sit
on the bench that strides over the edge of the bath. BATH's evacuation
system is connected to a series of plants that drink the water used for
the washing. The user must adapt his water consumption to the number of
plants around him. The grown up plants create thereby an organic screen.
reVAP is a ceramic water collector. The amount of water you can use for
washing depends on the plants' ability to evaporate it.
reNET is a connection piece allowing multiple combinations between BATH
and reVAP.
reSIZE: the washing is made with a bucket and a natural sponge to force
the user to consume a minimum of water. No more bath or shower, just rincing.
Every bucket containing more than 5 liters is perforated so that it can
only contain this amount of water.
reMAT is a natural felt mat. It pumps humidity after the washing and gives
it back during the day.
In collaboration with Thomas Jomini Architecture Studio.
With the support of
photo © G. Cottenceau